Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 12, 2011 still in Hong Kong

Last night all of my group except one that got here after 
i went to bed, we all played a game and told stories and 
stuff. That made me feel pretty good about the group. At 
least better.This morning we ate some little pastries 
from a little bakery in the hotel. That was good!
Well lunch/dinner wasn't bad. More fried rice. :) 
I didn't really eat dinner but lunch was pretty late. 
We walked to the temple today (40mins) and it was 
beautiful! You could feel peace as soon as you walked 
around the wall onto the grounds. Wonderful. Favorite 
thing so far. Loved it. We also walked back and then 
went to see the light show that the city puts on over 
the city. Pretty neat too.It doesn't really feel like 
we left the US. So many things have English written on 
them it's ridiculous! And most people can understand 
the basics of what you are saying. It's strange looking 
at the prices because they say dollar but it's the hong 
kong dollar. which is like one hong kong dollar to almost  
eight American dollars. And when we go to mainland china 
it will be different currency and it will be a little 
less than the hong kong vs our dollar. 
    apartment buildings outside the window of our hotel room! Hong Kong is full of them!
                                                       The Air Port in Hong Kong
                               Hong Kong Temple

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