Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hong Kong!!! February 11 2009

The flight wasn't too bad. It was so nice to have people helping me.
The flight from la to Korea was 17 hours. I slept for quite a while 
so that really helped. Flying isn't so bad. But it was like an hour 
and a half to la then waiting for two hours or more. Then 17 hour 
flight and then more waiting and then another 3 and a half hour 
flight. So too much. Haha
Eating is the worst part so far. On the plane I tried some Korean 
food and it was alright but I made it too spicy. Then I tried rice 
porridge and I was glad i wasn't too hungry. But it was not horrible 
either. Dan gave me his strawberry yogurt and that was yummy ! It 
didn't have chunks. Then I was starving on the way to hong kong and
they had fried rice and it had some things I didn't like in it but I
just chowed down because I was so hungry and it really did taste 
good as long as I ignored some of the things and just ate it. Then 
last night for dinner we tried finding food and we went to the 
little shop on our street and we didn't really know what it was we 
just saw the picture and pointed. It was like ramen and these little 
strange ball things and some little chicken things. I ate half the 
ramen and I thought abt the chicken too long and I just gave up. 

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